Tuesday, May 21, 2013

1 Million Virtual Bombs!

Wow! Today, a total of over 1 Million Bombs have been placed in the PhoneBomber world!!  That's a lot of Firecrackers, Dynamite, Riot Bombs, Bio-Bombs, Pain Bringers, and Nukes!

These virtual bombs overlay our real world - when you place a suitcase bomb in the virtual world, that bomb virtual exists at that spot in the real world.  Any players that were last in the real world at that spot, or in the blast radius of the virtual bomb, take damage (and they can, of course, attempt to disarm it)

I'm considering writing a version on Google Glasses.  Not sure if people would be able to use the voice reco ("Google Glasses - Place Pipe Bomb!") might be taken the wrong way...